CSRTM Assessment
Innovation for the industry
We are not assessing technical ability…
We have created an innovative approach to assessing the competence of candidates as a result of extensive research and development with our Advisory Working Group and the industry.
The four elements give candidates the chance to provide evidence of their competence to be a Red Team Manager by meeting the KSATs.
The process will consist of:
- Candidate will be given a Red Team scenario and asked to prepare a presentation against set criteria.
- Presentation (see below)
- Written assessment – long form questions.
- Interview/professional discussion.
It is unlikely that candidates who have not had exposure to real live fire Red Team exercises will be able to gather sufficient evidence to pass the assessment.
The face to face interview will be conducted by Cyber Scheme Red Team Manager assessors who are experts in this domain.
If you have any questions about the assessment before applying, please get in touch.
Assessment Process
The assessment uses a multi-faceted approach to assess a candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities as a Red Team Manager.
Scenario presentation preparation
You will be sent a detailed Red Team scenario on which to base your presentation.
Details provided will include organisational information, key threat actors, a comprehensive brief and all appropriate network, information and ancillary systems.
Candidates will be expected to prepare a 30 minute presentation against the scenario, which will need to be submitted prior to the assessment day. We recommend that you take 2-3 weeks to work on your presentation, before attending the written assessment.
Written assessment
In the written assessment, you will be presented with a series of scenarios or situations, typical of those that arise during a Red Team engagement and asked questions relating to them. You will be required to provide long form written responses.
The situations presented are chosen to represent day-to-day tasks that are likely to arise when working as a red team manager and provide an opportunity for the candidate to provide evidence of their knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to these. The questions are designed to cover a wide selection of the KSATs defined for the role.
Questions are designed to give candidates the opportunity to provide evidence of thought processes and the ability to make realistic and proportionate decisions. Candidates should draw on their real life experience and knowledge.
Written assessment (long and/or shortform questions). 2.5 – 3 hours.
Scenario presentation
Candidate presents wireframe scenario.
Presentation of pre-work to assessor – ½-1 hour.
An interview will be the final step in the process.
Interview after written assessment to interrogate further some of the themes that have come up in responses to written work and other topics relating to the KSATs – 1-1.5 hours.
Frequently asked questions
Candidates will be required to create a presentation based on a typical scenario from a selection found in various sectors. This allows candidates to be familiar with the source material for the interview. You should allow approximately one day for the creation of the presentation.
You will attain the CSRTM certificate (renewable every three years) via our secure Blockmark certification system. This will be the most advanced qualification available from The Cyber Scheme.
We anticipate recipients will also be allowed to use post nominals; our work continues with the Chartered Institutes to align CSRTM with Chartered status.
Everyone who passes the assessment, and the company they work for, will be added to our protected Competent Individuals Register, a confidential register which will be available for review by application.