Complaints and Appeals
Complaints Handling Procedure
Please click here for our Code of Ethics, written specifically for the provision of cyber security examinations and training.
To contact us about an appeal or a complaint please click below:
The Principles
All complaints will be investigated competently, diligently and impartially in a timely manner.
Where necessary, The Cyber Scheme (“TCS”) will appoint an independent investigator to assess the complaint and gather all necessary information to assess the complaint properly.
All information associated with a complaint will be handled by TCS as confidential and limited on a ‘need to know’ basis to a nominated set of individuals. No information revealed during an investigation will be made available to any person(s) other than those nominated by a TCS Director.
Additionally, the detail of any recommendations will be made available to the Executive or the Directors of TCS. A decision on implementing any recommendation made as a result of the investigation will be made by a minimum of two Directors of the TCS.
TCS aim to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity and ensure complainants are kept informed of the progress of their complaint. Where possible TCS aims to resolve all complaints within eight weeks but will notify the complainant if following initial assessment it is expected to take longer.
Complainants should first attempt to attempt to resolve their issues directly with the TCS Certified Individual (defined here Code of Conduct – The Cyber Scheme) and should use the TCS Complaints process as a last resort.
The Measures
On receipt of a complaint, it will be registered and passed to a complaints handler. The following procedure will then apply:
- TCS will issue the complainant with details of the complaint handling process and request full detail of the nature of the complaint (in an agreed format) and any supporting documentation. If appropriate or necessary, TCS will issue or sign a non-disclosure agreement;
- Where relevant, TCS will issue a complaint notification to the TCS Certified Individual;
- TCS will review the complaint against the Code of Conduct for TCS Certified Individuals (see Code of Conduct – The Cyber Scheme);
- TCS may then issue an initial assessment to the TCS Certified Individual;
- On receipt of the TCS initial assessment, the TCS Certified Individual will be required to provide a response to the report together with and supporting documentation;
- A TCS Director will review the evidence and will, where appropriate, agree a set of time bounded actions and allocated resources to review their completion;
- Only where the recommendation is:
- That a TCS Certified Individual’s TCS qualification is revoked, or
- Where an allegation of criminal activity has occurred that TCS would seek to liaise with law enforcement or individual’s legal representatives as appropriate
- Cyber Scheme becomes directly involved in legal action
Two TCS Directors will be engaged. In these circumstances, an additional and mutually agreed NDA specific to the complaint will be required to be signed by all individuals involved in the decision making.
- Where necessary, TCS will employ the services of the TCS Technical Advisory Board, or independently selected industry experts to review the recommendations. Industry experts will be selected based on their relevance, qualifications and impartiality and will be agreed by all parties (TCS and the complainant) in advance of their appointment. Where deemed necessary, a separate and mutually agreed NDA will be signed by all parties involved.
- TCS will issue a recommendation report to the TCS Certified Individual in question. Where appropriate, TCS may also issue a recommendation report, or extracts from it, to the employer of the member.
- TCS reserves the right to advise the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and CHECK partner companies if a decision is taken to suspend or remove a TCS Certified Individual’s certification. This action will only be taken following discussions with the TCS certified individual.
- The recommendations will be enacted and appropriate steps taken to ensure the recommendations are fully complied with.
- TCS will give formal notice to the complainant when the complaint handling measures are concluded.
The Cyber Scheme Complaints Handling Policy – TCS Assessors
The Principles
All Complaints will be investigated competently, diligently and impartially in a timely manner.
Where necessary, TCS will appoint an independent investigator to assess the complaint and gather all necessary information to assess the complaint properly.
All information associated with a complaint will be handled by TCS as confidential and limited on a ‘need to know’ basis to a nominated set of individuals. No information revealed during an investigation will be made available to any person(s) other than those nominated by a Cyber Director.
Additionally, the detail of any recommendations will not be made available to the Executive or the Directors of TCS. A decision on implementing any recommendation made as a result of the investigation will be made by a minimum of two Directors of the TCS.
TCS aim to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity and ensure complainants are kept informed of the progress of their complaint. Where possible TCS aims to resolve all complaints within eight weeks but will notify the complainant if following initial assessment, it is expected to take longer.
Complainants should first attempt to attempt to resolve their issues directly with the TCS Certified Individual and should use the TCS Complaints process as a last resort.
The Measures
On receipt of a complaint regarding a TCS Assessor, it will be registered and passed to a complaints handler. The following procedure will then apply:
- TCS will issue the complainant with details of the complaint handling process and request full detail of the nature of the complaint (in an agreed format) and any supporting documentation. If appropriate or necessary, TCS will issue or sign a non-disclosure agreement;
- Where relevant, TCS will issue a complaint notification to the Assessor concerned;
- TCS will review the complaint against The Code of Conduct for Cyber Scheme Assessors (see Code of Conduct – The Cyber Scheme);
- Cyber Scheme will then issue an initial assessment to the complainant;
- On receipt of the TCS initial assessment, the complainant will be required to provide a response to the report together with any supporting documentation;
- A TCS Director will review the evidence and will, where appropriate, agree a set of time bounded actions and allocated resources to review their completion;
- Only where the recommendation is:
- That an Assessor has demonstrated gross miss conduct, or
- Cyber Scheme becomes directly involved in legal action
Two TCS Directors will be engaged. In these circumstances, an additional and mutually agreed NDA specific to the complaint will be required to be signed by all individuals involved in the decision making.
- Where necessary, TCS will employ the services of the Technical Advisory Board, or independently selected industry experts to review the recommendations. Industry experts will be selected based on their relevance, qualifications and impartiality and will be agreed by all parties (TCS and the complainant) in advance of their appointment. Where deemed necessary, a separate and mutually agreed NDA will be signed by all parties involved.
- TCS will issue a recommendation report to the Assessor in question.
- The recommendations will be enacted and appropriate steps taken to ensure the recommendations are fully complied with.
- TCS will give formal notice to the complainant when the complaint handling measures are concluded.
The Cyber Scheme Exam Results Appeal Policy
The Principles
All Appeals will be investigated competently, diligently and impartially in a timely manner.
Where necessary, TCS will appoint an independent assessor to carry out the appeal and review the original assessment answers and marks.
All information associated with an appeal will be handled by TCS as confidential and limited on a ‘need to know’ basis to a nominated set of individuals. No information revealed during an investigation will be made available to any person(s) other than those nominated by a TCS Director.
Additionally, the detail of any recommendations will be made available to the Executive or the Directors of TCS: A decision on implementing any recommendation made as a result of the investigation may need to be made by them.
TCS aim to resolve appeals at the earliest opportunity and ensure appellants are kept informed of the progress of their appeal. Where possible TCS aims to resolve all appeals within eight weeks but will notify the appellant if it is expected to take longer.
It is not TCS policy to share details of appeals (remarks and associated commentary) with appellants.
TCS will accept exam result and professional title appeals up to 3 (three) months from the date of the appellant receiving their result.
Exam result and professional title appeals are subject to a £150 administration charge. Appellants will be invoiced prior to the process below beginning and the appeal process will begin once the administration fee has been paid.
The Measures
On receipt of an exam result or professional title appeal from a candidate, it will be registered and passed to an independent assessor, usually The Cyber Scheme’s Lead Assessor. The following procedure will then apply:
The Cyber Scheme will give formal notice to the appellant when the appeal process is concluded.