Neurodiversity and Accessibility Resources
The Cyber Scheme believe that everyone should have access to a career in security testing.
We have recently made changes to the way we run our exams and communicate via our website after speaking to neurodivergent members of our community. This page includes some of the resources we have gathered and the relevant articles and blogs we have written on the topic.
Resources from the National Autistic Society
Accessible Information
The National Autistic Society’s accessible information guide details what organisations and individuals can do to help support autistic people to use specific services or facilities, by re-examining how information is presented. One example is providing advance information and visual cues about a physical environment which can help manage anxiety, helping autistic visitors to prepare prior to arriving at the venue for the first time.
We therefore provide clear navigational instructions and photos of both the exterior and interior of our exam and training centre, both on our website and via emails sent to candidates prior to their arrival. We also include further information such as equipment needed and room capacity.
Accessible Exams
The National Autistic Society’s accessible exams resource provides guidance on making examinations as accessible as possible for candidates. This guidance focuses on two main areas: student-specific accommodations and the exam papers themselves. Whilst this guide mainly focuses on GCSE exams the advice given is relevant to professional certifications.
The Cyber Scheme can facilitate a range of reasonable adjustments for the candidates sitting our exams, including but not limited to extra time, lighting adjustments, ear plugs etc. These are to ensure all candidates are given an equal opportunity to demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills and behaviours required, without needing to ask or be treated in any way differently. If candidates request an adjustment which we are unable to offer, we will give a reason why we cannot offer it. This might be because it maps to a key Knowledge, Skill or Behaviour that we have to assess against within the certification. If that is the case, we will describe which aspect we think would not be properly assessed.
Read the latest blog posts from The Cyber Scheme about diversity and accessibility
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