Developing the relationship between the cyber security industry and charity partners to create a resilient digital UK.
While we continue to provide and develop industry-leading qualifications and training resources, we will also be working with our partners The Cyber Trust, whose aim is to provide cyber security support and education to communities, and The Cyber Security Challenge UK which seeks to find, educate and prepare talented young people who eventually want to become part of our industry.

The Cyber Trust
The Cyber Trust was founded in March 2017 as the opportunities and dangers of the digital revolution were becoming increasingly apparent. The ongoing mission is to help children and vulnerable people access the digital world safely and securely and at the same time enjoy the benefits of developing technology. Click on the logo to discover more

The Cyber Security Challenge UK
The Cyber Security Challenge aims to improve both the quantity and quality of talented people being trained and entering the cyber security profession. This is achieved through school-age competitions, education about entry-level jobs, apprenticeships, further education opportunities, networking and cyber training for all age groups and ability levels. Click on the logo to discover more