A message from The Cyber Scheme's CEO Charles White
“We are currently renewing our Sponsorship agreements to reflect the developments that have been made since the successful launch of our Sponsorship programme in 2022.
I am taking this opportunity to thank all our sponsors, who’ve assisted us along our journey this year. We have developed fantastic relationships and an ongoing dialogue with industry leaders within the CHECK community and beyond – and we want to encourage all Sponsor organisations and their people to continue to be engaged with us, and in turn NCSC, DSIT, IASME, The UK Cyber Security Council and CiiSEC to help us all define and shape the future of our industry.
As you will know, much of 2023 has been committed to conducting a successful Security Testing pilot with the UK Cyber Security Council. Many Sponsors responded to our request to be involved; whilst we still have lessons to learn regarding the structure and definition of the pilot, those Sponsors have contributed massively to the genesis of the new Council, helping shape what the future looks like.
As we move past the pilot and onto business as usual, we are looking to develop our relationship with our Sponsors, to support the professionalisation of our industry (otherwise known as ‘chartering’), as well as some of the projects we previously instigated but have put on hold as we worked with the Council. We don’t ask for membership fees, preferring to allow organisations to participate as much as they can afford by way of gifted time or resources.
We are now asking Sponsors to assist us by providing time and/or resources specifically for:
- Examination development or creation
- Assessing for Chartered status, which will be funded and sponsored by The Cyber Scheme
- Creating examination questions for inclusion across Associate and CTM through to full chartered CTL and Red Team Management
- Providing access to facilities so that The Cyber Scheme can run face to face exams in various geographical locations.
In return, as well as the ongoing discounts for our CSTM and CSTL exams, we are offering to fund eligible individuals through application and first year membership of the Council at full Chartered level.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to offer a face-to-face meeting with you and your team, and staff from The Cyber Scheme – myself, Andrew Jones and/or Debi McCormack, whichever suits and is most appropriate. We want to be able to discuss, and get a greater understanding of, the issues you see holding back your business or the industry as a whole and to explore how The Cyber Scheme can help, including providing access to Government and regulatory bodies, developing new standards and supporting entry level career starters.”