Professional Registration – what level is right for you?

Our Strategy Director Andy Jones looks at what you should take into consideration when applying for professional registration. Embarking on Professional Registration is a key milestone in your career and it is important to prepare your evidence and ensure it meets the required standards being sought. Our advice is don’t aim higher than the level […]
The ethos behind our pilot studies

Running a pilot study prior to the full-scale roll out of a new assessment, training course, or any measure of competency is an essential component in the development of The Cyber Scheme’s services. As a Licensed Body, we are trusted by the UK Cyber Security Council to run pilots which reflect verifiable outcomes and provide […]
Cyber Advisor-tips

Learn from our Cyber Advisor assessor Sarah Knowles The role of the Cyber Advisor is to work with micro, small and medium sized businesses to improve their cyber resilience. Being a cyber advisor means that you have passed an assessment where you have demonstrated that you are able to provide sound, quality advice to a customer […]
Living the dream, in the red team at The Cyber Scheme…

By Paul Richards, Head of Education at The Cyber Scheme “Today I was invited to a meeting regarding our new Cyber Scheme Red Team Manager assessment. (CSRTM). Up until today I have had very little involvement; I’m not a red teamer, my specialism is in training and assessing security testers (previously known as pen testers). […]
Why did we develop a Red Team Manager assessment?

By Charles White, FCIIS, CEO of The Cyber Scheme An awful long time ago (thirty odd years) when I started out in the cyber security profession, I was fortunate enough to work alongside Professor Neil Barrett, a leading figure in the world of cyber and an expert witness to boot. At the time security testing […]
Cyber Essentials DOES work!

During the first plenary of CYBERUK24 in May, Felicity Oswald OBE, CEO of NCSC, spoke about how Cyber Essentials certification is a major step in making organisations more resilient: “It reminds us that all businesses must look at cyber security as an integral part of their organisational risk management. This can be done in a number […]
Failure is an option…

An assessor’s guide to exam success… Paul Richards is Lead Assessor and Head of Education for The Cyber Scheme, and a subject matter expert in ethical hacking and security testing. During the last few months, he has seen over a thousand candidates sit our exams, both successfully and unsuccessfully. To help future candidates learn from […]
My Journey to CSTM Certification

My Journey to CSTM Certification.An article by Nathan Warren, Technical Manager, Reformit “In April 2023 I made the decision to start a new role which presented me with a challenge, obtaining a certification in security testing (aka penetration testing) to become a Cyber Essentials plus lead assessor. After spending the last 12 years in managed IT services I had […]
The Cyber Skills Gap & How We Act For The Future

Charles White, CEO of the Cyber Scheme, reflects on why the time to act is now.. There is a great Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second-best time is now.” I love this because beautifully sums up where we are today with the cyber skills […]
Seismic Shifts – the merging of IT and Engineering

CEO of The Cyber Scheme Charles White writes about the influence of Industry 4.0 and how we need to ensure smart technology doesn’t create life-threatening problems alongside the solutions it provides. “I’m fortunate to know a bit about OT / ICS / IoT or whatever label you want to use today. In 2017 the company […]